Auto Accidents &

Personal Injury


Being hurt due to someone else’s negligence is not fair.

What do you do now?

Insurance companies aren’t always looking out for your best interests. It is important that you speak to someone who understands the system and process when you are injured. The Law Office of Vinh M. Tran, P.C. has successfully handled thousands of car accident claims in Texas for the past 25 years. I will work to increase your chances of settling your claim quickly and fairly. With a free consultation, I can help you understand your rights and get you closer to the financial compensation you deserve.


personal injuries

When you or a loved one has been involved in a car accident, there are so many issues to handle that filing a personal injury claim may be the last thing on your mind.  This is precisely why you need to consult with an attorney as soon as possible.  

Let me help ease the burdens brought on by accidents and injuries.  


vinh M. Tran

is in your corner.

I will hold them accountable for you.